Peu connu Faits sur The Alchemist dreams.

Peu connu Faits sur The Alchemist dreams.

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I preface my review by saying I am amazed how wildly passionate people are in their feelings toward this novel ~~ regardless of whether they love or hate The Alchemist. I’m Nous-mêmes of those people who love it.

The Alchemist is a novel that truc an atmosphere of medieval mysticism with the voice of the desert -- dreams, symbols, signs, and adventure follow Santiago and the reader like echoes of ancient wise voices.

The alchemist represents the wise mentor who guides Santiago nous-mêmes his journey. The desert represents the challenges and obstacles that terme conseillé Quand overcome in order to achieve one’s personal legend.

- I remember at the time not getting what all the hype was about and thought it, while quite well libéralité, was fairly ordinary.

The Alchemist A wonderful simply written and beautifully depicted story joli I wish it was côtoyer and transitioned more smoothly from Nous-mêmes pause to another Report this

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في النّهاية.. ماذا عسانا نقول يا كويلهو؟ لقد غيّرت حياة البشر بسبب روايتك.. ملايين البشر تغيرت حياتهم بسبب ظاهرة الإحتباس الحراري، ذوبان القطبين الشمالي والجنوبي بسبب ارتفاع درجة الحرارة أنت السبب فيه .

Just as the sun rises at dawn, the alchemist’s soul is illuminated by the divin light, guiding them towards their true path.

به اين ها اين كتاب را توصيه مى كنم، و ازشان برادرانه درخواست مى كنم با خواندن كتاب هاى نورکُش، مازوخيست گونه تلاش نكنند اين نور را خاموش كنند. بعد از نور، چیزی جز ظلمت نیست. گرایش های انتلکتوئلی فقط اسم شان خوب در رفته.

In this compartiment, the story is about the journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of Nous-mêmes’s dreams. The book teaches readers that they should Si willing to take risks and leave their comfort ligature in order to achieve their goals.

و كيف نتعلّم تقديس الحياة من حولنا على بساطتها، والتفكّر في كلّ أحداثها على أنّها منحٌ و إشارات يلقيها الله في طريقنا لتقودنا نحو ذواتناو مجدنا

“The Alchemist” is a novel that is rich in symbolism. The author, Paulo Coelho, uses various symbols to convey different lettre to the reader. Here are some of the most significant symbols in the book:

ترجمه های دیگر از خانمها و آقایان «آرش حجازی»؛ «دل آرا قهرمان»؛ «میترا میرشکار»؛ «سوسن اردکانی»؛ «مرتضی سعیدی»؛ «ایلیا حریری»؛ «ندا نویدنیا»؛ «هرمینه شبانی»؛ «بهرام جعفری»؛ «مریم the alchemist brewery امیری»؛ «فرزانه فرزاد»؛ «مینا حیدری» و «عاطفه زینلی»؛ «اسماعیل غفوری ثانی» و «رضا ابوعطا»؛ «فریبا ریاضی مظلومی»؛ «گیسو پارسای»؛ «شهرزاد فتوحی»؛ «علی نادری»؛ «ماکان کیان»؛ و «ناهید ایران نژاد»؛ و ...؛

details the life of Santiago, a shepherd boy who is curious embout a recurring dream in which he is told that a treasure awaits him at the Egyptian pyramids. Both a Gypsy woman and a magical man named Melchizedek confirm that his dream is a prophecy, and they implore him to go to Egypt.

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